I finally read The Da Vinci Code last week. I enjoyed it quite a bit. What a talent he has for weaving together all sorts of esoteric and tantalizing historical tidbits into a grand conspiracy and a very entertaining thriller. So what if his research isn't all impeccably accurate? I say, the more you have to make up, the more talent it takes!
I also watched the LDS World Conference Saturday and Sunday. President Hinckley is 95 years old, and still going strong. He mentioned several more temples that are announced or under construction. One is the Sacramento Temple, not far from my hometown. Here's what it will look like.
Monday, October 03, 2005
The same drive which called art into being as a completion and consummation of existence, and as a guarantee of further existence, gave rise also to that Olympian realm which acted as a transfiguring mirror to the Hellenic "will." The gods justified human life by living it themselves—the only satisfactory theodicy ever invented. Nietzsche
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